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Unsung Heroes of the Sun Ra Arkestra
The Unsung Heroes of Sun Ra Arkestra
Week 1: Students learn the personal history of Sun Ra during and leading up to his Chicago days. Students learn about the proliferation of clubs in that city during the 1940s and 1950s.
Week 2: Students learn of the formation of the Space Trio which morphs into the Sun Ra Arkestra. Students listen to early 1950s Sun Ra recordings. (105:35)
Week 3: . Students learn the personal history of Pat Patrick, the second person chosen by Sun Ra to be in the Space Trio. (128:07)
Week 4: . Students learn the story of the Chicago High School called Dusable, which boasts having graduates of some of the greatest names in the music including Pat Patrick and John Gilmore. (291:26)
Week 5: Students learn about the Black Arts Movement of the mid 1960s and its relationship to June Tyson becoming a member of the Arkestra. June was one of the few female voices in the Sun Ra pantheon. (133:39)
Week 6: Students learn about the October Revolution in Jazz (1964) and its connection to Marshall Allen, current leader of the Sun Ra Arkestra. Students learn about the personal history of Marshall Allen. (154:39)
Week 7 Students select one or two artists from the artists thus far discussed to do a research paper. Students study Marshall Allen as sideman with the Arkestra and as leader of the Arkestra (150:57)
Week 8: Week 8: Students learn about the Loft Movement of the 1970s. Students learn about the personal life of Ahmed Abdullah. (128:03)
Week 9: Students continue learning about the Loft Movement. Students learn about the personal life of Craig Harris (155:47)
Week 10: Students learn about the personal life of Vincent Chancey and trumpeter Mike Ray. Required listening: Welcolm Mr. Chancey Chazz, Vincent Chancey with Kevin Bruce Harris David Gilmore and Ronnie Burrage (100:59)
Week 11: Students study the influence of Sun Ra on popular culture with guest lecturer Greg Tate: (149:36)
Week 12: Students make presentations of Unsung Heroes of the Sun Ra Arkestra. (132:51)
Week 9: Students continue learning about the Loft Movement. Students learn about the personal life of Craig Harris
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